Empowering Women: Breaking Chains, Shaping Futures for a Sustainable Tomorrow”

When God had first made man, he created Adam and then eve. Why didn’t he stop creation at just Adam. There was a need for balance. Right? It’s inarguably true that Adam was a primary creature with the mandate to multiply and fill the earth, but he needed someone to help fulfill this mandate. One with certain characteristics of multiplication. Hence, the woman was created. It’s is expedient to note that a woman deprived of   her rights, discriminated may not attain a full height of achievement. Myles Monroe  says in his book ” Understanding the purpose and power of woman ” Women are not meant to be lesser than men but to complement and balance them… Both men and women are responsible for pursuing their full potential and living out their divine purpose. I grew up in a neighborhood where it is common to say ” Woman, do you know who I am? I’m the one who wears the pants around here! This statement implies the spirit of dominance, the attitude of ” Stay in your place.  You have no sense anyway” this ideology has pervaded our society today and it has to be stomped. In some cultures, women are seen primarily as mothers, homemakers and kitchen figures, and their potential is limited as a result. Gender equality is essential for a sustainable future, and achieving it requires specific targets such as ending violence against women and girls, eliminating gender discrimination, promoting women’s equal access to education and health services, and ensuring women’s equal participation in decision-making processes.” Taking the right of a WOMAN is like taking away her womb.  How do you expect her to procreate? According to the United Nations, one in three women worldwide has experienced some form of violence, including physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. In some regions, that number is even higher – up to seven in ten women have experienced violence. This violence has serious consequences for women’s physical and mental health, as well as their ability to participate in society and achieve their potential. Her right to life, liberty and security has been violated. The emotional effects of gender-based violence are just as damaging as the physical effects. Women who have experienced violence often suffer from low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and insecurity. This trauma can have a lasting impact, and it takes time and support to heal. We need to do more to help women recover from this trauma, and to address the root causes of gender-based violence.

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